Aaron Zimmerman


Trying To Make Sense Of The World, Become Healthier, Understand Wealth & Spend More Time With My Family & Friends!

Giving You The Motivation To Make Your Own LEAP!



I knew we were up against it as soon as Jacks first meal was brought into him at hospital during his diabetes diagnosis;This hit home even more so when we were walking into our first diabetic management team meeting after we left the hospital;I was in such shock, that I had to get photographic proof of these things!I had absolutely no idea abou...
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Alex Seyfarth
(Wests Tiger #232, NRL Debut 2020)

Az is one of the good guys in Athlete Preparation and High Performance Coaching. I met him back in 2015 when I was coming through the Academy System at the West Tigers, and he’s been part of my journey as a player and person ever since. His understanding of what it takes to be a High Performing Athlete & Person is second to none and he truly knows how to get the best of people, which is a skill that's hard to come by in our world!  

Blake Worrall-Thompson
(High Performance Coach)

I've known and worked with Az for many years and his approach to the mental and physical side of Athletic Development & High Performance is brilliant. When I signed up to my first Ironman my body (and mind) was in all sorts. I was having shoulder, hip and knee problems and within a month of following his guidance, all 3 had gone. The ironman is a super challenging event but I'm feeling more comfortable in my body and mind with the help and guidance from AZ!

Niwa Barlow
(Rugby Union Athlete)
I found Az after a few years of inconsistent performances, injuries, and some pretty poor mentally seasons. But in only a few short months, his guidance on and off the field has given me the confidence in my body and my ability that is taking my game to a whole new level. After coming off my best and consistent season yet, I am now getting the recognition I know I’m capable of, and I could not have done this without Az’s help!



Joel Davie

(Archewell Construction Founder/Owner)

I worked with Aaron years ago and have followed his journey ever since. After a social media post of his really
hit home for me one day I was compelled to reach out, and from there I worked with him for 12 weeks and have never looked back.

His ability to find out who we are at our core level is something I've never experienced before! He was able to
identify how I get in my own way and how it all impacts on my daily life, and it's in this work and area where I have seen the most growth and impact.

The tips & tricks with how to make us more robust to the demands of our lives is something we all should experience and it's something that sets Aaron apart from the rest.

As a business owner I wear many hats, sometimes all at once which can be incredibly demanding at times but this experience has improved me 10x in every area of my life!

Ned Cusack
(Enterprise Business - Team Lead @ Salesforce)

I’ve worked with AZ, and during this time, his knowledge and
passion for coaching and high performance has been inspirational.

I’ve been exposed to all forms of training in Health & Performance for 16 years and his Programme blew me away!

AZ’s creative approach and his comprehensive understanding of the human mind & body reflects the bulk hours I imagine he’s spent over the years fine tuning his craft to produce high performing individuals.

Jeremy Morgenstern
(Operations Manager at EezyPak)

I’ve always looked to AZ when ever I
needed help with my training and getting my mind and body right.

He's always been a great sounding board and a voice of reason when I needed to get shit done in my training and in my life for that matter

The way he structures his coaching is unreal, he keeps things so fresh and innovative which always keeps me on my toes and accountable.

His coaching and mentorship has changed my life.